Monday, February 25, 2013

FYI:  This is gonna be a three day blog.     ;)

Part 1:   So here's the thing; I have taken over my family's old homestead.  The house my siblings and I grew up in.  As much as there are memories I wish I didn't have about the place, there are many more that I get to re-live every day just by coming home.  This house has always had my soul I suppose, but never my whole heart. Until now! It has taken me a couple years to get to the point of re-decorating.   The first room I choose to tackle is, of course, the scrap studio :)  priorities huh?  lol.   So, that's where I've been for the last month....holed up in the glorious world of re-decorating.   Well, the room is almost done and at least it is usable now!   I'll give you guys an oldie but a goodie project to try your hand at while I finish the final leg of this journey.   These are very cool, very simple hairpieces.  I got the idea from my other hobby of living history which sucked me into a world ofeverything vintage and somewhat tacky and from the problem of "What the hell do I do with this??" syndrome-you know, when you have a few ugly brads leftover,  some grundgy pieces of glittery  ribbon and a random feather or what not.   What?  You mean not everyone has these things laying around thier house????   lol, Enjoy!

It starts with the Vagablooms.

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